May 7, 2020
FINGER – Fighting Dengue Fever 2019
May 19, 2020Every year, CIMSA holds three national meetings and NLS (National Leadership Summit) -was held in Banda Aceh on 30th of January until 2nd of February 2020- is one of them. This year, the theme of NLS was “Addressing National Scale Issues to Create Global Impacts through Medical Students’ Movement towards the Sustainable Development Agenda”. NLS itself was meant to improve the knowledge and skill of the delegates.
In order to achieve it’s goal, NLS was deliberately designed to be consisted of grand lecture, plenary session, expo, some parallel sessions, and also games. As an addition, some great nominations were announced during the NLS too! From all of the achievements that CIMSA got at NLS 2020, two of CIMSA UGM’s project got the nominations!
The first is HIBERNASI (Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Bersama CIMSA) as the Best Activities Presentation at NLS 2020. HIBERNASI was presented by CDS 2019 member, Aaron Jordan and Shirly Putri Saifudin. HIBERNASI is the project of CDS (Community Development Society) CIMSA UGM which focuses on current health issues in Yayasan Hamba, particularly about PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat).
So far, three interventions of HIBERNASI have been done. The first one was about PHBS, the second was about nutrient and stunting, and the third one was the misuse of cigarette and narcotics. All this time, Yayasan Hamba is very cooperative. During the assesment, the caregivers there will actively give some recommendations and ideas. Not only that, during the execution of HIBERNASI, either the caregivers or children there were enthusiast! Because of these, all of the interventions became more fun!
Second, DIAMOND (Disaster Management for Special Needs Children) as SCORP Top Project for The Second Period. DIAMOND was presented by SCORP CIMSA UGM 2019 member, Nyi Ayu Putri Nabila. Due to the high mortality rate of people with disability when a disaster comes, on 2017, SCORP CIMSA UGM, fighting for disabled people’s right of special disaster management program, held DIAMOND. In executing this project, we collaborate with BPBD DIY -in creating the evacuation system for disabled people-, ASB-in terms of pre project training, and PUSBISINDO -in terms of sign language training-.
DIAMOND itself is consisted of three interventions that were held at SLB B Karnnamanohara. The focus of first intervention was fire and flood, the second was earthquake and volcanic eruption, and the last, the ongoing one, will be about forming the evacuation system.