Being a doctor is not that easy, many challenges must be defeated–long journey of medical education, many skills must be mastered in a short period of time, and a doctor must be sincere in devoting themselves to help the others. In the commemoration of 70th National Doctor’s Day this year 2020, SCOME (Standing Committee on Medical Education) CIMSA UGM collaborated with Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kedokteran (HMPD) FK-KMK UGM celebrating the National Doctor’s Day.
National Doctor’s Day is commemorated to appreciate the hard work of doctors in carrying out their noble duties. Appreciations that have been given are expected to be a reminder for medical students and doctors for not giving up and always sincerely serving society, providing the best health services to improve the nation’s health.
Since it’s important to make this celebration to improve the health standards of Indonesia by improving the quality of future health care professionals to become a good health professional, we celebrate the National Doctor’s Day in 24th October 2020 by raised “The use of Technology in Teaching, Learning, and Practitioners in the World of Medicine” as the theme. Since the covid-19 pandemic has not ended yet, the National Doctor’s Day celebration was held online. Appreciations were given in a form of thank you card sent to the 300 doctors by email and an IGTV video published on cimsa ugm instagram.
We publish a podcast that talks about telemedicine, “Telemedicine : Sembuh Tanpa ke Dokter, Emang Bisa?” in spotify : CIMSA Happy Hour. We’re doing a partnership in this podcast production with Klikdokter which is represented by dr. Bambang Hady Prabowo, MM., MKK. (Chat coordinator of Klikdokter) as the guest speaker. Klikdokter is one of the famous telemedicine platforms in Indonesia which provide health communication information and education portal sites for the medical community and the public. This podcast attracts many audiences since the topic is much related to the current pandemic situation, as future doctor’s we need to consider more about the utilization of technology in the medical practices, we need to keep up with the global changes, to keep us up to date. This podcast had been listened by 267 listeners.
We also uploaded a video in the HMPD IGTV that talks about the implementation of distance learning in FK-KMK UGM, to see the perspective from four FK-KMK UGM medical students and two FK-KMK UGM lecturers. From the interview, they could feel the challenges and also the ease with the implementation of distance learning during this pandemic. But with those challenges we faced, medical education is being transformed to be more utilizing the technology. We hope that in the future, the medical learning system can continue to be developed in hopes to accommodate medical students to become good health professionals.
– Fatimah Ath Thahirah & Paramastri Cintantya Arindra