For ATTENTION 2021, CIMSA UGM has held three events, which are bonding, pre-project training, and 1st intervention.
To prepare the intervention, we held a pre-project training for the Organizing Committee on 15th April 2021 with a PHL Trainer. In this training, we discussed the traits of tuberculosis, diagnosis, and its differences with COVID-19. Besides that, we have also discussed different cases of tuberculosis in each breakout room and shared the results of the discussions from each breakout room at the end of the session.
The pre-project training was started with pre-test and ended with post-test to measure the participants’ understanding of the material.
Through this pre-project training, we hope that the Organizing Committee of ATTENTION 2021 will become more aware about the facts about tuberculosis and its differences between COVID-19. We also hope that they will be able to apply their knowledge to become a peer educator, educating people around them about tuberculosis.