Last month, specifically on the January 22 and 31, 2022, CIMSA UGM held its 6th HIBERNASI intervention. HIBERNASI, short for “Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Bersama CIMSA”, is a community development project targeting Yayasan HAMBA, an orphanage in Yogyakarta.
This two-days hybrid intervention had two areas of focus. The first was enhancing the Yayasan HAMBA children’s knowledge on body authority and how to maintain personal hygiene, in hopes that they would be more self-aware and capable of practicing the aforementioned knowledge. The second focus was aimed at the caretakers, namely to educate them on preparing a variety of healthy and balanced meals.
The first objective was tackled during the first day. As requested by the orphanage’s caretakers, the intervention kicked off with an exercise session, followed by a snack break. Afterwards, the educational material delivery started with a pre-test to gauge prior understanding. The material about body authority, consisting of the limits of touching body parts, was given by two PETRAs — CIMSA SCORA’s Peer Educators — and was continued with an explanation of personal hygiene, done by the committee. Both explanations were succeeded with a Q&A session. To end the day, games were played and post-tests were taken, followed by handing out souvenirs.
The second day focused on the caretakers. Similar to the first day, a pre-test was given out beforehand. There were two main materials. The first, brought by the committee, focused on the concept of ‘Isi Piringku’, a guide on proportioning meals to fulfill nutrient requirements; the second, a cooking class brought by a nutritionist, dived in the technicalities of healthy food storage and processing. The material-delivering session was followed by several cooking videos, courtesy of the said nutritionist, to give the caretakers some future cooking ideas. Again, both explanations were succeeded with a Q&A session, and the day was completed with both games and a post-test.
During the intervention, participants were eager to learn, asking questions and actively participating in the activities. In turn, they received knowledge, from new ideas to helpful tips, that will hopefully be useful to them in the future. Following this intervention, we hope that both children and caretakers can apply the knowledge they’ve received into building a clean and healthy lifestyle, in terms of both sexual health and nutrition.