SCORE CIMSA UGM has always wanted to do some research campaigns and also activities that would impact the society. This year, we plan to bring up the topic neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) through UNTOLD: Updates on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022. This event has a couple of agendas which are air campaign that was held during March 8–10 and a virtual exhibition that was held on March 12, 2022.

This event started on January which all of the SCORE members of CIMSA UGM 2021 would be divided into five groups consisting of five members which are guided by a supervisors:
- dr. Kristia Hermawan, M. Sc., Sp.A., Ph.D
- dr. Arta Fatmawati, Ph.D
- dr. Likke Prawidya Putri, MPH
- dr. Arditya Damar Kusuma, M.Med(Clin Epi)., Sp.JP
- Dr. dr. Rizaldy T Pinzon, Sp.S, M.Kes
For three months the group held eye-opening researches with the outcomes of posters that would later be presented on the Virtual Exhibition. However, before the exhibition day, series of campaigns is conducted with lots of volunteers using their social media platforms. The volunteers participated by sharing tropical disease contents, such as mini quizzes and voice over videos. After the air campaign was done, we established the main event where all of the members presented their posters. The finalized works are each entitled with:
- Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Perilaku Preventif Mahasiswa Peserta Kkn-Ppm Ugm Terhadap Neglected Tropical Diseases (Ntds) Di Daerah Tujuannya
- Narrative Review: Prevalence And Perception Of Rabies In Indonesia
- Analisis Determinan Sosial Kejadian Dengue Shock Syndrome Pada Anak-Anak Di Yogyakarta
- Indikator Prediksi Mortalitas Pada Anak Yang Terjangkit Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd)
- Pengaruh Konsumsi Albendazole Terhadap Mikrobiota Saluran Pencernaan Penderita Filariasis
After presenting their research reports the panelist gave questions and feedbacks to further improve their capability. The panelist line up is dr. Junaedy Yunus, M.Sc,Ph.D, dr. Ajeng Viska Icanervilia, M.P.H, dr. Michael Aaron Romulo, Bagus Amartya.
After the presentation session, all of the participants were given a chance to vote for the favorite group followed by a fun game session using the media Kahoot and also an awarding session. Lastly, the event was closed with a documentation session.

SCORE CIMSA UGM hopes that this event will not only enhance the skills of medical students to do research but also inspire others and empower them to do so. All together helping to improve awareness towards NTDs in our environment.