IFMSA Exchange is an exchange program for medical students with the aim to empower medical students by developing their skills and critical thinking, creating cultural understanding, and professional cooperation.
As exchange facilitators, one of the work areas of SCORE and SCOPE CIMSA is exchange promotion. Therefore, for this year, SCORE and SCOPE CIMSA UGM collaborated to present CAPTURE (Connecting People Through Wander and Exchange) as an effort to increase medical students’ interest and exposure to IFMSA Exchange Program and the exchange countries.
CAPTURE is a two-day online exchange fair which is held on Saturday and Sunday, April 23–24, 2022. This event was attended by 81 participants. Most of them are UGM medical students, and some of them are medical students from other universities.
CAPTURE consisted of games, talk shows from former outgoings, IFMSA countries’ booths, and explanation of exchange flow from CIMSA UGM LORE and LEO. As an icebreaker, participants join a game of Guess the Country.
This year, we invited dr. Nisrina Widari (former SCOPE outgoing to Germany), Iqbal Wahyu (former SCOPE outgoing to Brazil), and Yasmin Karimah Ikhsan (former SCORE outgoing to Poland) to be the speakers for a talk show session on the first day. Khairunnisa Rahma, CIMSA UGM LORE 2020—2021 was the moderator for the talk show. In this session, the speakers mainly talk about their experience starting from the moment they apply to be an outgoing to the experience of becoming a medical student in their destination countries.
Right after the talk show session was the IFMSA countries’ booths exhibition. The booths were opened for two days. On day 1, the countries presented were from the Asia and Africa region. As for the regions Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, and America were presented on day 2. Here, participants learn about some countries’ healthcare systems, exchange criteria, living cost, transportations, foods, and others from breakout rooms.
On day 2, current CIMSA UGM LORE and LEO presented a more comprehensive lesson about this exchange program. The presentation entitled “Essentials of SCORE and SCOPE Exchange” mainly talked about exchange flow, differences between research and professional exchange programs, and some documents needed for exchange.
This event ended with documentation of all OCs and participants. Though this year’s exchange fair has ended, we really hope that CAPTURE has influenced medical students’ interest to enroll in the IFMSA Exchange program and we hope to see more participants next year.