Fill out our forms so that we know that you are interested in joining! Don’t forget, don’t miss out, and remind your friends as well!
Here, you will learn the bare basics of CIMSA and get to know us and each of the six Standing Committees better.
Don’t be afraid! Everyone is welcome at CIMSA. This interview is done as a way to get know you better and make sure you that you’ll be in the place where you can grow the most.
The long awaited moment. A new family, a new identity, and a bright future ahead.
We are an internationally affiliated organization with a focus on empowerment and creating accountable, sustainable impacts.
Where do we stand and what are our goals?
We are organized into six Standing Committees.
What are they and how do they differ in what they do?
We execute our tasks professionally with a well defined and regulated structure.
How are we organized?