December 23, 2024

SELECT : Health Service System with The Development of Telemedicine

What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.
October 23, 2024

SCORE GOES PUBLIC 4: DISCARD (Delving into Cardiovascular Disease Through Research and Education)

What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.
October 23, 2024

LANTERN: Learning and Exploring Together in Research

What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.
October 20, 2024


What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.
October 20, 2024

COMDEV CLIPS HEATHER: Healthy Soul for The Healthier Life

HEATHER’s Second Intervention is a continuation from the previous intervention, keeping a focus on mental health, especially mental health complications and healthy coping mechanisms. The Second Intervention activities were carried out at SMAN 6 Yogyakarta throughout the month of September 2024. Through the Second Intervention of HEATHER, we hope students of SMAN 6 Yogyakarta and SCOPH members can learn about mental health issues and healthy coping mechanisms, as well as train themselves to be good mental health educators among others.
September 29, 2024

Fyi, CIMSA x SCOPH – Darurat Monkeypox! Perlukah Kamu Khawatir?​

Monkeypox adalah penyakit zoonosis (penyakit yang menyebar dari hewan ke manusia) yang disebabkan oleh virus monkeypox (MPXV), kemungkinan berasal dari hewan pengerat dan primata. Virus tersebut terklasifikasi dalam famili yang sama dengan virus cacar. Pada 2022, outbreak global terjadi akibat varian monkeypox clade IIb, yang memiliki tingkat kelangsungan hidup lebih dari 99%, dan puncak outbreak tercapai pada awal 2023. Lalu, apa yang perlu dikhawatirkan?
April 26, 2024

LIGHT 3.0 – Learning Global Health with SCOPE

What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.
March 23, 2024

Exchange Fair (DICE) – Driving Interaction, Cultivating Excitement through Exchange

What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.
March 23, 2024

BEACON: Breaking the Chains of Misogyny in Union

What a Waste! is a collaborative project initiated by the Community Development Society and SCORP CIMSA UGM to address waste management issues and enhance the community's knowledge of sustainable waste practices in the Margodadi sub-district. Launched in December 2023, the project entered its second intervention on 29th September 2024. With this event, we hope to not only impart valuable knowledge but also to empower the community to create environmentally friendly products, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience in waste management practices.